A loan helped to buy grain and buy more cattle.

Munguntsetseg's story

The woman in this picture is Munguntsetseg. She is 45 years old and is a very kind and hardworking woman. She is married and has 3 children. Her eldest child is 17 years old and her youngest child is 2 years old.

She and her husband have been running an agricultural business for 17 years. She doesn't have any employees. She is doing this business to increase her family's income. Milk and dairy products are always in demand because of people health benefits. Therefore, milk is sold to 5 to 6 families a day. As her business continues to expand, her family's living conditions will improve and she will be able to focus more on her children's education. The problem facing her business is the lack of fodder for the animals. Her future dream is to expand her animal husbandry and own a chicken farm.

Munguntsetseg will use this loan to buy grain and buy more cattle.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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