A loan helped to buy an overlock sewing machine and work tools.

Janeth Alexandra's story

This is Janeth, a 38-year-old single mother. She lives with her son in her little house she rents south of the city. She became pregnant when she was very young and didn't receive support from the father of her son or from his relatives, so she had to be both father and mother for her son. She always had to work in diverse activities to support her home until she and her sister got jobs at a little sewing workshop. There, she has put her sewing abilities into practice. She enjoys this and has obtained better income for her home, which she needs now that her son has started college.

Janeth wants to set up her own sewing workshop in the future, but to do this, she has to obtain machinery little by little. That is why she is asking for her first loan to buy an overlock machine and work tools that will help her to make her dreams come true.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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