A loan helped a member to buy new products like bedding and jewelry.

San Pedranas Group's story

Many of the 32,000 women who participate in program for loans, education, and health services with "Microcrédito Plus" of Puente de Amistad have businesses in order to help their husbands and to offer their families better living conditions.

Ruth, age 33, is one of these women. She is married and has three children over ten years old. All of the children are getting an elementary school education. Six years ago Ruth started selling perfume, jewelry, and plastic container products.

A year ago she added another business, raising pigs. Ruth's objectives are to provide her children with better conditions and to leave an inheritance of stable businesses. With a third Kiva loan she will be able to buy new products like bedding and jewelry.

Ruth is one of the seven women who are part of the communal bank named San Pedranas Group with Puente de Amistad in the department/state of Suchitepéquez. They devote themselves to raising animals, selling jewelry, food, clothes, and firewood.

They wait for the monthly meeting because this way they are informed about themes like business, health, family, and women. For women like Ruth, knowing about strategies to offer new products to the clientele is relevant and applicable to their lives in an immediate way.

Thank you Kiva lenders for the support.

In this group: Marta Alicia , Elizabeth , Monica Del Carmen , Ruth Soledad , Vilma Rasaura , Maria De Los Angeles , Marta Alicia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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