A loan helped a member to buy bags of onions to sell.

Soutoura 2 Group's story

Emilienne is 35 years old, married and has four children.

She has been selling vegetables for 10 years and she needs a loan to buy bags of onions to sell.

Her point of sale is well located and she is well known for her experience.
She is also respectful and welcoming to her customers and the onions she offers to her customers are of good quality and readily available, all of which make her business work well.

After her sales she will have a profit that will allow her to save money to take care of her family and also to continue her business.

She is on her first ACFIME loan contract and is committed to making the repayments on time.

In this group: Emilienne, Kadidiatou, Mariam

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Guido Fregonara.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in an underserved area to grow their businesses.

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