A loan helped to stock his small market with grocery products.

Qëndrim's story

Qëndrim is a hardworking individual who has been running his small market in his hometown for several years. He takes great pride in offering a variety of products to his customers, from fresh fruits and vegetables to household items and snacks.

As the demand for his products has continued to grow, Qëndrim realizes that he needs to expand his inventory in order to meet the needs of his customers. This will require a significant investment, and he does not have the funds available to make the necessary purchases.

That's why Qëndrim has decided to apply for a Kiva loan. With the help of the loan, he will be able to stock his small market with groceries, including popular items that he has previously been unable to offer.

Qëndrim is proud to be able to provide for his family while also serving the needs of his neighbors. He thanks all Kiva lenders for their love and support and wishes them all the best.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details