A loan helped a member to buy a bag of rice, 10 plastic chairs and 3 tables.

Genesis 1 , 2 Group's story

Clara is the coordinator of her group, 'Genesis' 1 & 2. She makes her home here in a simple structure with her long-term partner and four children. She enjoys reading; in her free time, this is her hobby. She says that her most difficult challenge is to educate her children.

Clara is excited to be taking her second loan with Esperanza after having successfully repaid her previous loan and grown her business. She has had her business for 8 month. She was starting to use her savings to run her 'Comedor' (small restaurant in the neighborhood, especially for lunch). After starting, she heard about Esperanza´s loans and decided to be part of the program. She plans to use this new loan to invest in her business by buying a bag of rice, 10 plastic chairs, and 3 tables. She will use the profits to reinvest in her business and she is dreaming of having her own restaurant in the town.

Her story is representative of her group and of Esperanza's Haitian and Dominican clients, many of whom recently emigrated to the DR from Haiti. Her group is located in the urban slums surrounding Santo Domingo. This area, like nearly all impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic, suffers from unreliable electricity and running water (none of which is potable).

In this group: Clara, Yaina, Nairobi, Maria, Leonida, Andrea, Maria, Francisca, Mercedes, Julia

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details