A loan helped to add stock to her food selling business.

Sharah's story

Sharah is a refugee mother to two children, one of whom is schoolgoing, and they live with her in Moyo, which is in the West Nile region of Uganda.

She is a farmer who grows cassava, millet, simsim, maize and sorghum. She also rears poultry and in addition to this, she also sells charcoal.

She struggles to provide her family with some of their basic needs, though it is not very easy for her. Instead of complaining and lamenting about her situation she chooses to work harder.

Previously, she has been dealing in charcoal, but now she is has changed to selling food items, which has a very high demand, though her stock is still very small.

She would like to add more stock so that she is able to increase her capital base, improve her family livelihood and to pay school fees.

She is forever grateful for all of the support that VisionFund and Kiva has given her.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees in Uganda rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details