A loan helped a member to buy a variety of shoes to sell.

Kuña Guapa Group's story

The committee called "Kuña Guapa" is from the city of Villarrica. The group was formed through the union of friends and neighbors of that city, who are in cycle number 3 of the women's committee program.

One of the members is Mrs. Fatima Lucia, who sells all kinds of shoes. She mentions that her dream is to have a large business where she can offer more variety of products to her customers. She comments that her work allows her to generate income to cover her family's needs, so they don't lack for anything and don't experience deprivation.

She defines herself as an enterprising person who does not let herself be defeated and who seeks a way to improve herself and get ahead for her loved ones.

She asks for this loan to buy a variety of shoes to be able to continue with her sales as she has been doing.

Note: Only one person appears in the photo, but this loan is for a group loan; the group photo was not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic which limits the gathering of groups.

In this group: Pabla Veronica, Patricia Noemi, Fatima Lucia, Reinalda Mabel, Lidia Ester, Fatima Pabla, Honorina, Sofia Eliany, Anicia Maria, Maria Alicia, Teodolina, Lidia Yolanda, Ofelia, Sonia Elizabeth, Luz Clara, Sandra Patricia, Celia Noemi, Liz Paola, Laura Elizabeth

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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