A loan helped a resilient single mom get mobile food trailer cart for her catering business, thank you.

Rosanelly's story

I am a single mother of three beautiful girls and two grandkids. I was born in the Dominican Republic and migrated to the United States when I was almost 9 years old.

If you ask my community they would describe me as dedicated resilient and very positive hardworking woman. I feel that that is correct.

Due to the pandemic Bronx Bites physical premises had to close down but I continue servicing our catering clients from my house kitchen with the help of my daughters.

Even though financially I’m not where I want to be. I live a hood life and I am proud of what have I been able to accomplish. It is important to me to be a leader, role model and good human being.

I am a proud mother and feel very accomplished with a Howard University alumni and a future Rutgers graduate , God willing in May 2023. Raising three beautiful girls has taken a lot of efforts and many sleepless nights.

I’m faithful by attaining this food trailer I’ll be able to take grow and expand the business and keep being able to support my family. I Will never stop saying that people can be born with an entrepreneur spirit or as a hustler as it’s described in New York City where I grew up. I have always done whatever possible in a honest way to make ends meet. I currently won a concession on a NYC park where I will be taking my trailer cart to continue servicing the community with love.

My dream and goal is to get your help as you previously did and help me with this food trailer. You are all very appreciated.
Thank you

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Rosie’s bites

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 6 months - 1 year


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details