A loan helped to purchase more store goods.

Martha Mangu's story

Martha Mangu is 22 years old and is from Kimbe in the Oil Palm Province in Papua New Guinea. She is living in one of the urban settlements in Kimbe town with her family and is engaged in the informal business.

She is married and her daily activity is selling store goods at her residence. She has been in this business for over one year to take of her family. A successful young woman who could not be at school due to school fees, she turned to do this business to sustain her daily living.

Her main customers are people living nearby and the travelling public using the same road where she is living. Her residence is also on the road linking to the Oil Palm blocks where the workers travel daily and this is where they shop before going home to their blocks. She has learned of late shoppers and therefore stays at her market till late to capture the later shoppers.

She also learned that Women's Micro Bank was helping women with loans to expand their business and she has tapped in to use this loan facility to purchase store goods to increase her stock.

She is a young, strong woman who is excited to do business and this loan will be very useful for her to increase her store goods stock to sell over two weeks.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details