A loan helped a member to expand her business by buying grains and coffee templates for seedling.

Flor De Hortensia 3 Group's story

María is 49 years old and married. They have 4 children. She is illiterate. When she was 12, she worked with her mother cooking Guatemalan chuchitos, and she sold them in streets to neighbors and at market days. When she was 15, she went with her brothers to cut coffee.

María married with her spouse when she was 18, they worked hard to give their children the opportunity to study. They could support them study to the 9th grade.

This year, María will get her fifth credit, she has invested all of them to purchase grains and coffee templates for seedlings. She says that in her community this business activity is the only one that gives some revenue.

María is the leader of group Flor de Hortensia 3. The group is integrated by 6 women. All from the Ladino ethnicity. The group will invest their loan in agriculture (33%) and food (67%). On average, each member of the group has 3 children. The average age of the members of the group is 36 years old. 83% are illiterate, and 17% did not complete their primary education.

In this group: Izabela, Juana, Julia Cano, María Elena, Marilena, Marina

This loan is special because:

It's made through a grassroots organization- by the borrowers, for the borrowers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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