A loan helped a member to make a fermented beverage to sell.

Espoir Pad Group's story

Christine, 58, is married and is the mother of 3 children. She's had a business selling the fermented beverage "dolo" [milllet beer] for 14 years. She needs a loan to buy 25 sacks of red sorghum to use in making her fermented beverage. Her sales post is well situated, and she is known for her experience, and for being respectful and welcoming to her customers. In addition, her beverages taste good and are well fermented. This is why her business is doing well.

After her sales, Christine will have profits that will enable her to save, take care of her family, and continue with the business. This is Christine's 26th loan cycle with ACFIME, and she has made all payments as scheduled.

In this group: Christine, Korotimi, Fatimata, Korotimi, Sophie

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in an underserved area to grow their businesses.

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