A loan helped to buy a dairy cow to increase her sales of organic milk.

Rysbubu's story

Rysbubu is grateful to the Kiva Fund and all the lenders who helped fund her in the past. She has decided once again to apply for a loan and hopes for the best. Rysbubu is 65 years old, married, and has one daughter. She has a secondary education and is a responsible and diligent woman. She has farmed and raised livestock for 47 years to earn her family's primary income.

Thanks to Rysbubu's hard work, today her farm has five cows, 18 sheep, and two horses. In order to keep growing her farm, Rysbubu has again applied to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 152,000 KGS to buy a dairy cow to increase her sales of organic milk. The income from the loan will help improve her family's material wellbeing and expand her farm.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Peter Ward.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

Loan details

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