A loan helped a member to buy cosmetics, perfume, underwear, etc.

Las Entusiastas Group's story

This committee is currently in its 7th loan cycle. One of the group's members is Mrs Maria del Carmen P. who is 32 years old and has one child. Her business is selling cosmetics.

Every morning she sells her products through catalogs and travels to different towns on her motorbike. She returns home in the afternoon.

She is an uncomplaining woman who has a difficult daily routine because when she gets home from work she has to take care of her housework. Everything she does is to get herself and her son ahead in life as she is a single mother. She is requesting this loan to buy cosmetics, perfume, underwear, etc.

In this group: Maura, Myrian, Elsa, Librada, Natalia, Eulalia, Laura, Cynthia, Rebeca, Loboria, Maxima, Nelida, Maria, Maria, Maria, Ninfa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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