A loan helped borrowing to buy construction materials such as sand, cement, bricks, etc., to build a hygienic toilet.

Dung's story

Ms. Dung is 36 years old. She lives with her husband and their 2 children who are going to school. Her house is located in Quang Xuong District, a coastal region of Thanh Hoa province.

Her husband is a fisherman and often goes fishing near shore, earning around $341 per month. She has worked as a manual laborer in the village with unstable wages. Her family belongs to a low-income household in the village.

The difficulty that concerns her family is the latrine is old and unhygienic. Ms. Dung proposed to borrow this first loan from Thanh Hoa MFI for the purpose of buying construction materials such as sand, cement, bricks and other equipment to build a new toilet for her family. As as result, her family's living conditions will be improved.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details