A loan helped to restock her business with more ingredients for baking more cakes and transport to deliver her products to customers.

Mary's story

Meet Mary, a hardworking 36-year-old mother of 3, who has been a successful hawker for many years. Mary's husband left her a while back, and she has been solely responsible for providing for her family ever since.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Mary has remained resilient and has continued to grow her business, which involves selling different food products like cakes, coffee, and bananas to customers wherever they are. Mary loves her job because it earns her a profit and gives her a sense of survival.

She is, however, faced with the challenge of not having enough capital to purchase cooking items such as cooking flour, sugar, and baking powder, which results in reduced income for her.

With a loan, Mary plans to boost her capital and buy more ingredients so that she can cook and sell to her people. Mary is confident that the loan will help her improve her business, increase her income, and provide a better life for her children.

Mary has previously taken other loans and these loans have been a great help to her. Mary appreciates the efforts of those who have supported her in the past, and is confident that with their continued support, she can achieve her hopes and dreams of giving her children the best life and education.

She is committed to repaying her loan using the profits she makes from her sales.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details