A loan helped a member to buy egg micro-franchises to sell.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

This committee is named “Mujeres Unidas,” formed thanks to the desire for self-improvement of all the members, who seek the way to continue improving and bettering themselves, and so that their loved ones lack nothing.

One of them is Fabiola Noemi, who in order to help support her family, makes a living from selling eggs from her home, which she accessed through the micro-franchises that the foundation offers as a business idea for the women of the committee.

She is an enterprising person who started her work modestly and seeks a way to help her family. It is because of this that she fights tirelessly to achieve her goals.

She is requesting this loan to buy egg micro-franchises in order to be able to continue with her sales and thus be able to satisfy her customers.

Note: In the photo, only one person appears, but this is a group loan. A group photo was not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which continues present since its lifting has not been declared.

In this group: Cinthia Carolina, Gabriela, Lizza Mabel, Lizzy Delpilar, Luz Mariela, Liz Francisca, Fabiola Noemi, Lirce Yolanda, Fanny Guillermina, Yessica Noemi, Rosalba, Lisi Mariela, Bernarda, Ninfa Elizabeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

This loan is special because:

It targets women and youth to expand their businesses.

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