Madame Safari is a client of microfinance institution Hekima and leads the Banyama Muzuke Group. She is married, 44 years old and has 9 children, 8 of whom are in school. Her husband is a driver.
Safari sells secondhand clothing, a business she started 20 years ago with startup funds from her husband. Later on, she partnered with Hekima to support her business. It has grown steadily ever since and doesn't have any major problems. With this new loan, she will purchase 40 bales of secondhand clothing, which will strengthen her working capital.
Safari would like for her children to continue their studies and to feed her family. She would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they give to business owners who lack access to traditional credit during the Covid-19 pandemic. Only the group leader is shown due to social distancing measures.
In this group: Furaha, Marthe, Safari, Therese, Goreti
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Samantha Sullivan. View original language description.