A loan helped a member to buy household items.

Fe Y Alegria Group's story

The women of this committee come from the neighbourhood of San Rafael. The ladies are very satisfied with the economic support that the [field partner] Fundación ParA. is bringing them. With this capital the ladies are enlarging their small businesses as well as their incomes for a better quality of living. The ladies are in cycle number 3 with their 14 members.

All the members of the commitee are very grateful to the Fundación ParA. for the valuable support that it brings them to be able to improve their financial conditions in society.

One of the members is Ms. Rossana who works as a domestic employee in a family's house. She is very happy to be a part of the committee as she learns a lot from the other members. She is very hard-working and wants to continue with the group until she manages to put together her own business. The loans which she is currently requesting are for the purchase of items that they use in the house.

In this group: Rossana, Victorina, Jorgelina, Carmen, Dominga, Lucila, Balbina, Delrosario, Zoila, Fausta, Galdys, Mirian, Blanca, Nelly

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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