A loan helped a member to have working capital to buy tools, to improve his construction work.

Grupo Bolivia Group's story

Denni Moises is a hardworking young person who learned the skill of masonry and construction when he was young. He worked with his family as a helper, and later became a qualified worker. This permitted his family to have the income that he generated to cover their basic needs.

Denni and his friends comprise the group "Grupo Bolivia", where he was made president. Combining criteria and needs, they make the decision to approach Sembrar Sartawi IFD to obtain the necessary operating capital for their businesses. In Denni's case, the objective is to be able to renew his tools and to buy others that will facilitate his work.

In this group: Denni Moises, Baby Katiusca, Gabriela, Ronald Santos, Noemi Carmen, Luis Diego, Johnny Gabriel, Kano Smith , Neil Mohasier

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people to access loans and training through communal banks.

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