A loan helped to buy five piglets and 150 kg of corn to feed them.

Claudine's story

Claudine is grateful to lenders who supported her so that she could raise pigs. She was able to resell the livestock for a good price. She has used the profits to grow rice and soy. She was also better able to meet her family's needs. Claudine continues to contribute to her savings which will serve as capital in the future. Claudine has repaid her previous loan. She is requesting a subsequent loan so that she can continue to raise pigs. This time she will purchase five piglets and 150kg of corn to supplement their feed. She will fatten the pigs and then resell them. She hopes to once again earn a good profit so that she can add to her savings.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Esther Schmit.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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