A loan helped a member to buy a variety of clothing in bulk.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

This is the Mujeres Unidas Group which consists of women heads-of-household who strive to be able to offer their loved ones a better quality of life so they lack for nothing. They are in their sixth women's committee loan cycle and are also in the poverty elimination program.

Maria is one of the members of the group and she is a hardworking person who through much sacrifice and struggle helps support her household and family so they have all they need. She defines herself as a determined person who, despite difficulties, does not let things get her down as she strives to get ahead.

Maria sells clothing and has a steady customer base with ongoing orders. Her goal is to continue her work so she can help her family prosper.

She is applying for this loan to buy a variety of clothing in bulk so she can continue her sales and meet customer demand.

Note: There is only one person in the photo despite this being a group loan. A group photo was not possible because of the Covid-19 pandemic which is still present with no declaration of eradication having been issued yet.

In this group: Maria, Laura Raquel, Yrma Liz, Maria Noelia, Mariza Antonia, Luz Mariela, Johana Mercedes, Elizabeth, Clotilde, Benita, Rafaela, Apolinaria, Nilda Marlene, Camila Maribel, Fatima Carolina, Maura, Rosalina, Fatima Mayerli

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details