A loan helped a member to purchase dresses, polo shirts, skirts, pants, bermuda shorts, blouses, etc.

Gs Margarita Grupo .3 Group's story

Alexandre is Haitian. She is a 49 year old woman who is currently in a common law marriage. She is an enterprising mother of eight children and went to school through 7th grade.

She has lived in the Dominican Republic for 14 years; arriving in search of a better quality of life and better future. At this time she has spent about 6 years in her business. Previously she had a grocery store, but this did not generate the income needed to support her family. For this reason she now sells clothing like pants, t-shirts, blouses, dresses, shirts, bermuda shorts, polo shirts, etc. She runs this business from her home and in a traveling manner. Alexandre considers her children to be one of her primary driving forces and sources of strength to continue forward and never give up.

With this loan, she hopes to invest in more merchandise to have more variety and be able to grow her business. This will satisfy the needs of her customers and generate a better income.

This is her 9th loan with AEI.

Her dream is to be able to always be well and in good health.

Thank you for supporting Alexandre and the group GS Margarita Group 3.

In this group: Nathalie, Alexandre, Guirlene

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emily Griffith.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details