A loan helped a member to buy some lambs.

Siete Pinos Group's story

23-year-old Victorina is married to a bricklayer and is the mother of two children ages 18 months and 6 years (the older child attends kindergarten). She has a 5 year education. For 18 months, she has worked by raising and fattening animals such as pigs and chickens. Every two weeks, Victorina goes to the local market to sell her animals. She wishes to have sufficient income to cover household expenses and, in the future, education for her children. Her goal is to increase the amount of animals and also include new ones. With the second Kiva loan, Victorina will buy some lambs.

There are eight women in the San Marcos department/state who form the Friendship Bridge Siete Pinos community bank. They raise animals and are vegetable farmers. These women have an average of 5 years of formal education, so their monthly education is vital to their success as women, mothers, and business owners. A facilitator provides training and uses images, role-plays, and games to share information. The themes are taken from 4 areas: business, health, family, women. The recent themes have been about the importance of pricing products well, saving, rights of getting a loan, and health. The training is part of the Friendship Bridge Microloan Plus.

Thank you, Kiva lender, for supporting these women.

In this group: Santas, Valentina Salome, Maruca, Santos Obdulia, Santas , Andrea Bacilia , Victorina , Lucia

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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