A loan helped to install the irrigation system on the raspberry plantation to get a better harvest and to continue to develop the agriculture business.

Dmitrii's story

Dmitrii thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan that helped him to carry out the necessary autumn work. Due to this, he was able to continue to develop the agriculture.

Dmitrii continues to deal with farming. He processes three hectares of land, where he is growing traditional cereals. At home he has a household, where he grows poultry. Dmitrii uses eggs and meat for family consumption and, also, for selling. In this way, he manages to ensure the family budget.

For this year, he decided to start to grow raspberries. He saved some capital, from which he has bought raspberry seedlings. He has planted raspberries in a plantation in the garden.

Dmitrii wants to install an irrigation system, to get a better harvest. But not having enough money, he decided to ask for a new loan from Kiva sources to buy a barrel and pipes. As a result, he will be able to continue to develop and to diversify the agriculture business and will have the possibility to ensure the family with a source of food and income in the future.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

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