A loan helped to buy materials needed for her craft and pandanus needed for her weaving.

Lesieli's story

Her name is Lesieli, and she is a widow with ten adult children.

Lesieli earns her income from weaving taovala (an article of native clothing) and mats. She also runs her craft business of knitting and making kiekie (an ornamental girdle worn my the women of Tonga).

She and her daughter run the weaving business together out of their home. By weaving together, the business benefits by allowing them to always meet their customer' demands on time.

Lesieli knits taovala and makes kiekie on her own. She only knits male taovala, and she gets a good price for these items. She may be old but she still manages to run multiple businesses to support her children in raising their own children.

The purpose of this loan is to grow her business by buying the amount of materials needed for her craft, and pandanus for her weaving.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details