A loan helped a member to buy 5 boxes of 50 chicks each, 10 sacks of feed, and vaccines.

10_ Hamdalaye 2 Bolo And Liguey Group's story

This 'banc villageois' was set up in December 2016. It is composed of women who are active in commerce and poultry farming. They have a lot of solidarity.

Ms. Awa is marred, 44 years old, and the mother of six. She is active in selling chickens.

With her loan, she intends to purchase 5 boxes of 50 chicks each, 10 sacks of feed, and some vaccines. She sells her products from her home after 45 days. She has good experience in this domain.

Her earnings will enable her to support herself and to help her husband to maintain the family.

In this group: Awa , Rokhaya , Mbayang , Coumba , Bineta , Oumy , Adama

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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