A loan helped a member to invest in staple goods for her convenience store.

Bc Salmo 23-1 Group's story

Dora Alicia, age 49, has worked in her business, a convenience store selling staple goods, for 19 years. To date, she has an excellent credit record. With ASEI, she has worked with ten group loans that she has used to invest in her store, to pay invoices from providers, and household expenses. Also, she has had seven parallel loans, in which she has demonstrated excellent responsibility and punctuality in her payments.

At this time, she is requesting a loan to continue investing in her convenience store, to be able to offer more products, to have greater income for herself and her family.

In this group: Maria Esperanza, Blanca Miriam, Carlos Isaac, Dora Alicia, Maria Elba, Meibell Elizabeth, Paula Elvira, Roxana Lily, Thelma Alejandra

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people access loans, basic health services and training.

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