A loan helped to pay for ground filler to cover the mud around her house.

Tara's story

Aged 27, Tara is a brave person, a married woman and highly respected in her local area. She lives with her family and their economic situation depends on her and her spouse, both of whom are construction workers. The couple work very hard every day in order to fulfill the needs of the family such as foods, clothes, medicine and other necessities.

She has been involved in construction for almost 5 years and can earn a net income of USD 8 per day. Because of a shortage in her finances, she has applied for a loan in the amount of KHR 8,000,000 to pay for ground filler to cover the mud around her house. Covering the mud will help provide a good clean environment for her family members, which means fresh air, protection from illness and overall better living conditions.

In the future, she aims to renovate her old house and purchase more land for agriculture purpose. She believes that, through her hard work and perseverance, she will be able to attain a better standard of living someday.

This loan is special because:

It provides access for rural households in Cambodia to a more clean and hygienic living environment.

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