A loan helped to purchase tanks of natural gas and drinks.

Francisca's story

Francisca, 46 years of age, sells tanks of natural gas and drinks. She lives in an outlying urban area called Paraíso de la Flor located in an area characterized by its dirt roads and mountains.

She began her business some years ago selling drinks in order to be able to support her children since her husband left her. Little by little she stocked up on drinks and began selling cylinders of natural gas for $2.50. Currently she starts work very early in the morning in a shop she located in the front part of her house. She doesn't have a fixed schedule because she carries out her business activities at home.

With the loan she wants to buy cylinders of natural gas and drinks from her suppliers in order to have more to sell. In the future she wants to expand her business to sell other products and remodel her house.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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