A loan helped purchase a new cooler, buy more inventory and add an employee.

Adrienne's story

I operate a floral shop in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, thanks to an original loan from Kiva. I opened in February of 2020, and that dream quickly turned into how I survived this Pandemic nightmare!

As a former Air Force veteran, the grit and fortitude I gained as a member were huge in helping me move forward. I was able to pivot and employ tactics such as curbside delivery and contactless delivery, which sustained me. Although not able to interact directly with my customers, I was able to provide the services that made me want to come into this field.

This business also let me see how devastating a toll that Covid had on families. I was able to provide help to three families that couldn’t afford casket sprays at no cost. There were two instances where I enlisted the help of other florists, and we provided all the floral needs for two families.

Now that society is emerging from that, it has reinforced my original motivation for opening this business. Plants and flowers, while they provide visual appeal, can also assist with healing. I have first-hand knowledge of this and would like to offer small workshops addressing the value of plants in the home and workspace.

Another goal of mine is to offer space for “pop-up shops.” I have already hosted an urban art show and a book signing.

These events showcase talent and keep my shop visible to the public. This leads to a vibrant community that will become a destination for not only residents but those visiting and exploring destinations outside the Cincinnati area.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Touch of Heaven Floral Shoppe, LLC

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: touch-heaven.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details