A loan helped to buy some livestock and increase her income from livestock breeding.

Gulsunayum's story

Gulsunayum is sending greetings from Kyrgyzstan. She is successfully repaying her previous loan. Thanks to Kiva and all the lenders who helped Gulsunayum, she managed to implement her plans.

Gulsunayum is requesting another loan. She would like to borrow 100,000 KGS from Bai Tushum Bank to be able to buy some more livestock. She already has 20 sheep, 2 cows and a 2.59-ha plot of land where she grows beans. Gulsunayum's yard and the vast green pastures around her house are perfect for livestock breeding.

The profits will allow Gulsunayum to increase the living standard of her family. She is grateful for your help and wishes you all the best.

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Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details