A loan helped me to buy a camera, lens, laptop and camera accessories for my video production business.

Emek's story

Hello, I'm Emek. I love creating, and I love working with ideas. I love the struggle, tryouts, failures, triumphant moments, excitement, and learning curve of creating. I have been making music for 18 years, with two albums and singles. I produce, mix, and master my songs. I have never attended school for it but thanks to many passionate YouTubers for the education.

I have also been interested in videography over the years. I started shooting videos at a call center where I used to work for internal uses. We used to shoot with iPhone 4. I learned how to use Final Cut Pro X to edit those videos. I was already familiar with everything. Shooting repeatedly, I learned about aperture, focus, lighting, and everything else. In 5 years, I became a perfect videographer.
I was in my hometown in Ankara, Turkey, at the beginning of the pandemic. Due to the financial crisis, I had to sell my equipment, leave my family behind, and move here to New York. Currently, I am working as a server in a restaurant in manhattan on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, working double shifts. I work on music and video editing the rest of the week in my bedroom. I'm offering video and content creation services for small businesses.

I recovered my audio equipment but not the video equipment. I need a laptop, full-frame camera, lens, and some accessories to get myself started. 

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About EDD Video LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 6 months - 1 year
Website: edd.video


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details