A loan helped a passionate equestrian/college student launch her horse training and equine body work LLC.

Rose's story

My name is Rose, and I am a first generation American/college student who is very passionate about helping people develop safe and fun partnerships with their horses. I was not born into horses, but I rescued my horse at 18 with $500 and a hunger to learn. Lack of money forced me to train my own horse, and I quickly realized my talent when others started to ask for my help. I wanted to make things official with a business, but between school, work, and just trying to make ends meet, I had absolutely no money to even get insured. After sitting down with my partner and creating a plan, we came up with the money to start turning the passion into a career. I believe in each horse’s individuality and focus on developing a training plan to fit them. I also strive to help the owner be the best owner they can be in order to ensure a continued partnership that is enjoyable. Horse ownership should be fun for both you and your horse! I am very proud to have made a difference with horses belonging to friends and my community and look forward in continuing to do so.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Feel & Timing Horsemanship LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details