A loan helped to buy tiber, varnish, door handles, brushes to make more furniture for sell.

Levious's story

Levious is a male adult, aged 36 years, and he is married and they have four children. He's a resident of Nyakayagai Western Uganda. He is a business man dealing in the carpentry business which he has operated for the last 3 years. It’s his only source of income which helps him to cater for his children’s school fees and again take care for his family.

Levious found a need to boost his business due to high demand from his customers he therefore came to UGAFODE requesting for a loan to recapitalize business so he can be able to buy more raw materials for meeting customers' orders on time to fetch incomes.

This loan is special because:

It provides financing to underserved borrowers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details