A loan helped a member to buy fresh vegetables to sell.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

This group is called Mujeres Unidas, where all of them set themselves the goal of being able to grow, not only economically, but also as people so that their loved ones do not have needs.
One of them is Olga Beatriz, who is married and the mother of a family, and comments that she is works selling fresh vegetables and that she has a modest business where she offers her clients all kinds of products. She is an active person who, despite the daily difficulties, does not give up and fights for her loved ones, in order to give them a better quality of life and so that they do not experience needs or deprivation.
She asks for this loan to buy fresh vegetables for sale, and with this to be able to fulfill the request of her clients and at the same time be able to continue giving the best to her family.
Obs: Only one person appears in the photo, but this loan is for a group, the group photo was not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still present since its removal has not been declared.

In this group: Maricela, Miguela, Natalia, Justina, Olga Beatriz, Nelly Rosana, Noelia, Victoria Elizabeth, Liz Regina, Celina, Mirtha, Yudit, Mariza, Adriana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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