A loan helped to buy fishing nets, paint, and plywood.

Bryan's story

Bryan lives in Ajuy, Iloilo. He is 29 years old and works as a fisherman. For four years, fishing has been his source of income. He owns a motorized boat, and he transports the catch to a nearby market. He brings a variety of fresh seafoods into the market.

He is a married man and has one young child, aged three. His wife works abroad.

He is asking for a loan to buy fishing nets, paint. and plywood. Bryan wants to succeed in his livelihood so he can better provide for his family. With this loan, he will be able to maintain the good working condition of the boat, thus improving his productivity.

In the future, Bryan hopes to make his business sustainable.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details