Aida Josefa is 51 years old, and is engaged. She has three children, two of whom are older in age and one who is 17 years old. Her husband works in a factory with a temporary contract. They live in the city of Manta, a place of hardworking people who are looking for a way to get ahead.
She is a hardworking woman who strives every day to generate her own income and with it, help her husband with the household expenses. She previously worked selling natural products like Garden, but her sales went down and she decided to stop, which is why she has now started her own business selling all types of clothing and costume jewelry. Her sales method is selling out of her home and by phone. She carries out this job every day and with the help of her children, she has been able to fill her orders. Since she also works as a housekeeper at a church in her own neighborhood from morning until 2:00 p.m., she is able to get additional income that helps her to improve her life and that of her family.
This loan is to buy clothing, costume jewelry, and more.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Teresa Lorenz-Do. View original language description.