A loan helped buy a small stall and different types of drinks.

Ahmad's story

Ahmad, who appears in the photo, is a 27-year-old from a village near Ramallah, West Bank. He is a single young man, who lives with his family. Ahmad tries very hard to help them with living expenses, especially in the difficult economic conditions of the family.

Ahmad works in general trading where he earns a low income. This income is barely enough for the basic needs of the family.

Ahmad owns a small stall selling hot and cold drinks to increase his income and enhance his family's living standards. For that reason, he went to Palestine for Credit and Development FATEN to request a US dollar loan to buy a small stall and different types of drinks.

Ahmad hopes you will help and fund his loan.

This loan is special because:

It benefits refugees who have been marginalized

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details