A loan helped to buy good fertilizers, so an enterprising mom can increase her crop production and use the increased profits to improve her life.

Peninah's story

This is Peninah , who is polite, devoted, responsible, and hardworking. She is widowed and is blessed with children. She loves and adores her family and, despite the many challenges she has gone through while bringing up her beautiful kids, she has always cared and provided for them. She takes care of both her household and her farming business. She sells milk to her neighbours. She also plants crops on her small farm, mainly for domestic consumption in a move to counter rising food prices.

Peninah has applied for this loan so she can buy fertilizers to use on her farm. She is a visionary woman who always hopes for the best. She has promised to repay her loan and is very thankful to her lenders for believing in her and making her dreams true.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details