A loan helped to pay for her business licence and for new stock needed in her retail store.

Janecy's story

Janecy, aged 33, is happily married to a supportive husband. Her husband is a seasonal worker, while she runs a small retail store to earn a living. She lives with her husband in a small village, which is a 15-minute drive to town.

Janecy is a hardworking and brilliant woman who aims to run a successful business. She initially started her business out of passion to be her own boss and meet her household expenses. Her dream is to sustain her business to prepare herself to meet future household necessities. Her current plan is to renew her business licence and increase her retail stock. However, she needs financial assistance to execute her plan.

Janecy is requesting a loan to pay for her business licence. She will also use this loan to pay for new stock needed in her retail store. With the income earned, she will pay for household necessities and save money to invest in her future plans. Through this loan, Janecy is aspired to grow her business and become the successful entrepreneur she deserves to be.

Please kindly support Janecy!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details