A loan helped to purchase chicks and feed for the animals.

Mamitiana's story

Mamitiana is a 45-year-old woman. She is married and the couple has two dependent children. She lives in a rented house located in an area outside of town. She has been raising broiler chickens for five years. Her husband is a driver.

She is a partner with Vahatra. She was able to increase her financial capital with the profits from the previous loan. Following this, she is working on expanding her animal raising business to further increase her income.

She is asking for lenders' support to purchase chicks and feed for the animals. She will resell her broiler chickens after several months to the usual resellers in town. Then she will purchase more. She will have savings and profits, and hopes to have a better quality of life in the future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Meghan McCallum.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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