A loan helped a member to buy agricultural surpluses such as corn, peanuts, and tomatoes to resell.

Chikondano - Dawe Group's story

Chikondano - Dawe is a group of three women farmers from Angonia, Mozambique. The group has existed for more than two years.

Each woman of the group has her own plot of land for production, but they often sit together to decide what to produce, which crops to rotate, what chemical to apply and, most importantly, the price of the crop at the time of sale. The same approach is applied within their savings group, as they stimulate each other to save the maximum they can in order to achieve their particular goals at the household level as well as at the production level.They are farmers, but they also buy crops from other smaller farmers in their community such as maize, peanuts and tomatoes to resell.This group of three women has already benefited from iDE's business training. Thanks to this training, their way of doing business in the community has improved a lot. Lidasse, the first woman on the left in the photo, is the group mentor. She has worked in agriculture since she was young, so she shares a lot of positive lessons with her two colleagues.The group is requesting another Kiva loan to buy more agricultural surpluses to resell and to buy agricultural inputs to improve the quality of their crops.

In this group: Cristina , Lidasse , Linessi

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

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