A loan helped to buy boxes of fish and chicken, and to save money to take care of the children.

Wendkouni Cheina's story

Wendkouni Cheina has two children, one of whom goes to school. She runs a fish shop, selling fish and chicken in a market in the capital. She has been in this business for five years.

She is on her sixth loan cycle with the microfinance institution YIKRI, and is successfully repaying her loans. She has applied for a loan to buy boxes of fish and chicken, to satisfy customer demand.

She intends to use her profits to reinvest in her business, and also to save money, so that she can take care of her children.

She would like to encourage everyone to protect themselves against the Covid-19 virus.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Jill Wood.

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It helps borrowers access financial services on flexible terms with no collateral requirements.

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