A loan helped to increase their staple grain harvest by purchasing organic fertilizer.

Casillas Community Bank's story

Casillas Community Bank is located in the community of Casillas on a sunny plateau on the eastern side of Honduras. This fertile land is home to an amazing group of women who pioneered in forming a Community Bank. Five women began with the dream to find a much more effective and collaborative way to sell their crops and increase their value back in 2015. Now, with 17 women at front and 4 men, they have been able to steadily grow and sell their products as a group, getting a better price.

In 2022, because of the steep prices in agricultural inputs and fertilizer, they had to reinvent and discuss alternatives for these products. They have now been working together with other communities and began purchasing organic fertilizer. Casillas Community Bank members have reported an increase in yield and in the quality of the soil while using this fertilizer.

This comes as great news for a community that can't afford and no longer wishes to use chemical fertilizers and is regaining the strength of their land. Because of all of this, they are seeking their first Kiva Loan to increase their staple grain harvest by purchasing organic fertilizer. Let's come together and help them move forward and away from harmful chemicals. Here pictured are some of the members of the Casillas Community Bank.

This loan is special because:

It enables financial inclusion for rural communities through small community banks in Honduras

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details