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A loan helped to buy additional garlic and onions to sell.

Rodelyn's story

Rodelyn is 35 years old and married with two children. She works hard to provide for her family.

Rodelyn buys and sells garlic and onions in the Philippines and requested a 15,000 PHP loan through NWTF to buy additional garlic and onions to sell.

Rodelyn aspires to save enough to provide a secure future for her family.

This loan is special because:

It helps this borrower grow their business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (8)
  • B
    Brandon Ritzo
  • Barbara Winamac, IN, United States
  • Good Dogg Front Porch
  • K
  • David O'Hara Frisco, TX, United States
  • E
  • Debbie Wells, ME, United States
Contributing teams (3)

Loan details

Brandon Ritzo
Winamac, IN, United States
Good Dogg
Front Porch
David O'Hara
Frisco, TX, United States
Wells, ME, United States
Kiva Christians
2 of 13,385 members
Improving Enterprises
1 of 3 members
Empathy Challenge
Common Interest
1 of 32 members