A loan helped agricultural supplies and fertilizers.

Teofilo Cesario's story

Teofilo Cesario V. A. is 41 years old. He lives in Unión Libre in the district of Ventanas in the province of Los Ríos with his partner and three children.

The members of V.R.C La Union (the Union Community Bank) are located in the Aguas Frías area in the district of Ventanas. They pursue short-cycle agricultural work, harvesting corn, rice, and beans. They spend a lot of time doing this activity.

Teofilo has pursued agriculture, growing corn, rice, and beans, for 15 years. He buys his supplies in Ventanas and sells them in the Ventanas market in the same area.

He is requesting this loan to buy agricultural supplies and fertilizers for his crops. The support from this loan will help him financially to supply the necessary goods. He faces obstacles, including plagues, illnesses, and variation in the climate. His dream is to grow cocoa. He likes to go out with his family.

Translated from Spanish.

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