A loan helped agricultural supplies and fertilizers.

Cruz Rocio's story

Cruz is 26 years old. She lives with her common-law husband and their children in the canton of Ventanas in the Los Rios province. She has 2 children.
The members of the community bank V.R.C. El LA UNION can be found in the Aguas Frías precinct which belongs to the canton of Ventanas. This group works in agrictulture, growing crops such as maize, rice, and beans. They have been doing this work for a long time.
Cruz is a farmer and mostly grows maize, rice, and beans, and has been doing this for 15 years. She buys her supplies in Ventanas and sells them in the marketplace in Ventanas in the same precinct.
She is requesting a loan to buy agricultural supplies and fertilizers for the crops. The loan will help her to meet her financial needs. She faces challenges such as agricultural pests and diseases and climatic variability. Her dreams is to live in a house with a barn for the animals that she would like to buy.
She likes to go out walking with her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alison Hynd.

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