A loan helped to purchase corn, corn flour and firewood for the preparation of tortillas.

Mirna Aracely's story

Mirna Aracely is 35 years old and a single mother, has 2 children and resides with her family in the municipality of Saba, Colón. For 5 years she has been dedicated to the elaboration and sale of tortillas, an activity that she carries out in her house. She was previously a housewife.

She is currently requesting a loan from ODEF for the amount of 12,000 Lempiras, which she plans to invest in the purchase of corn, corn flour and firewood for the preparation of tortillas. This investment will help to stock up her inventory of inputs. Mirna´s goal is to make improvements to the place where she works.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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