A loan helped to pay for cooking ingredients to prepare large quantities of meals for her customers and to pay for arts and crafts to resell to tourists.

Alice's story

Alice, aged 75, is married and a mother of four children. Her husband is a salesperson. All her children are grown and have their own homes. She lives with her husband in an urban area which is a 10 minute drive to town.

She currently prepares delicious meals and sells arts and crafts to tourists to earn a living. She initially started her business with the aim of generating income to provide for her family's necessities. Her dream is to sustain her business so that it can support her children and future generations.

Her current plan is to increase her arts and crafts stock and food stock to better cater to her customer demands. However, she needs financial assistance to execute her plan. She is requesting a loan to pay for cooking ingredients to prepare large quantities of meals for her customers. She will also use this loan to pay for arts and crafts to resell to tourists.

With the income earned, she will pay for her household necessities and save money to invest in her future business plans. Through this loan, Alice is encouraged to run her business and eventually secure a better life for her family.

Please kindly support Alice!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details